Man, Arthur, you are legendary.
Reading your work really helps knock my worldview into shape and frame things in a more real way.
Thank you for the clarity in distilling these very complex concepts into a digestible format. You've helped my comprehension of how macro things are actually transpiring more than the vast majority of macro traders and analysts I have ever listened to.
1) The concept of Asia not wanting CNY/Renminbi to become the world reserve asset is spot on. I've been hearing this theory rolling around the intellectual plains of some groups and am 100% in accord with the logical reasoning behind it.
2) My personal understanding of de-dollarization is that we have ~6-8 years before some monumental shift in global economic policy actually destabilizes it (USD) to the point where it is no longer desirable by the masses. As it stands today, many people/ organizations still prefer it and will for the next foreseeable few years as there is so much infrastructure built on it.
3) The Manufacturing decline. Might be a bottom signal? Did somebody say bring manufacturing back to America? (don't necessarily think this will happen due to still prohibitive costs and misaligned incentives, just some food for thought)
Anyway, before I go rattling on about theories for hours, thank you! Always look forward to reading the material that you put out!